2018: Future Trends Theatre: How could Artificial Intelligence technology improve the efficiency of media management workflows and help us better manage video content Speaker: Mike Szumlinski, Manager, Cantemo
2018: Future Trends Theatre: AI: From buzz to bucks. Speaker: Børre Sandvik, SVP of Products, Vimod
Lynn Comp, Vice President, Data Center Group, General Manager, Visual Cloud Division, Intel.
John Ive (Director, Technology & Strategic Insight, IABM) and Paolo Pescatore (Tech, Media & Telco analyst).
Enrique Rodriguez (CTO, Liberty Global) and Seth Shapiro (Founder & CEO, Alpha Networks).
Craig Wright, Project Research Engineer, BBC
Cutting-Edge Tech Innovators, The Forum, 10:25 17th September 2018. Speakers: Lisa Perrin, CEO, Creative Networks.
Cutting-Edge Tech Innovators, Room E102, 11:00 16th September 2018. Speakers: Craig Wright (BBC), Hiroyuki Kaneko (NHK) and Joost de Wit (Media Distillery).
Richard Welsh, Co-founder and CEO, Sundog Media Toolkit AI for securing sensitive content for language versioning.
Mike Armstrong, Senior R&D Engineer, BBC.
Denis Onouha, Chief Information Officer, Arqiva Cyber threat hunting using Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence